Each of your automated product screenshots will have a fully customizable path and filename associated with it. This path and filename is used to uniquely identify each individual screenshot, and will most commonly be seen when using:
Embed: The Screenshot URL for each of your individual screenshots will follow this pattern:
- https://screenshot.launchbrightly.com / team name / product name / screenshotmode-filename .PNG
- https://yourdomain.com / team name / product name / screenshotmode-filename .PNG
Export: A folder hierarchy will be created easily catalog your screenshots on Export which follows this pattern:
- A Google Drive of yours / team name / product name / screenshotmode-filename .PNG
Pro Tip. Each part of the pathname is customizable, and you are able to edit this at any time. However, we recommend against editing your pathname after the initial setup, or doing so with caution. Changing any part of the Pathname for Screenshot URLs and Exports will result in a change to your Screenshot URLs which, if you use Embeds, could see links previously embedded throughout your system break due to the URL change.
Team Name
Your team name is the name of your account within LaunchBrightly, and will be displayed in menus and headings throughout the LaunchBrightly console. The team name will usually be (or include) the name of your company or organization. The Team Pathname for Screenshot URLs and Exports can be found under Team Settings in your Preferences however, please note, only an Admin on the account will have access to Team Settings.
Product Name
The product name is the name associated with each of the different Products you have on your account. Some companies, like us, only have one Product and one district Product URL associated with it, app.launchbrightly.com. Others might have multiple Products, with different Product URLs for each Product. The platform allows you to create an unlimited number of Products on your account.
You can see a list of the Products on your account by clicking the dropdown on the top left of your LaunchBrightly console, and click on the product name to see the details of that Product.
The Product Pathname for Screenshot URLs and Exports can be found under Storage in the Product sidebar.
Screenshot Mode
The screenshot automation platform allows you to run a single automated product screenshot sequence and automatically generate that sequence in any number of unique modes based on the width, height, color scheme (light or dark), language and pixel density of your choice. Creating multiple screenshots, in different modes, of the same screenshot sequence.
Below is a list of screen modes and color schemes currently available which you can find in the Product sidebar:
- Desktop Light: 1536 pixel screen width (full screen) and no request for a color-scheme
- Desktop Dark: 1536 pixel screen width (full screen) and a request for a dark color-scheme
- Laptop Light: 1280 pixel screen width (full screen) and no request for a color-scheme
- Laptop Dark: 1280 pixel screen width (full screen) and a request for a dark color-scheme
- Mobile Light: 390 pixel screen width (iPhone 13) and no request for a color-scheme
- Mobile Dark: 390 pixel screen width (iPhone 13) and a request for a dark color-scheme
Screenshot Filename
The screenshot filename associated with each of your screenshot recipes is automatically generated based on the name you entered when setting up the element, and can be updated before saving your automated screenshot sequence.