Each of the automated product screenshots you generate is uploaded to a CDN; a super fast network of many servers on each continent that allows your images to be served near instantly. These screenshots are saved, and continuously overwritten, under the same filename (and therefore same URL). This means every single screenshot you generate will have a unique name following a similar URL structure to the below:
You can use this URL in your help center (or anywhere else you want) knowing it will forever be up-to-date.
In addition, the LaunchBrightly platform will provide a populated <IMG> tag for each of these screenshots, allowing you to use this tag to embed a live screenshot directly into your help center. Once the populated <IMG> tag is embedded in your help center, your screenshot will automatically update reflecting the most current version of your product.
Live linking using a screenshot URL and populated <IMG> tag in Zendesk
To embed a fully populated <IMG> tag for you screenshot directly into your help center navigate to the Embed page in your LaunchBrightly console.
Select the screenshot you want to embed in your help center from the dropdown, along with the screenshot mode (e.g Desktop - Light mode).
Copy the Embed Code provided.
Open the Zendesk help article where you want the screenshot to be placed and select the Source Code icon from the help article toolbar (i.e. </>).
And paste the Embed Code directly into the Zendesk help article where you want the screenshot to be placed.