A new Product will automatically be set up as part of the help center import. Click the auto-generated Product name at the top of your LaunchBrightly console to open the Edit Product sidebar.
Update the name of your Product if necessary and add a brief tagline and description of your product.
Use the toggle to make your Product active and select the App URL and Access dropdown to add the URL for your web application (e.g. app.company.com).
If you have an ungated product, which does not require login credentials and is open to the public, then you can simply select the Open radio button and the automated screenshot platform will access the URL provided without needing to log into that page.
However, most products live behind a login and password gate so you will need to add the login and password details, or an authentication token, for your demo account so the platform has visibility into your demo account to take automated screenshots.
You can learn more about adding login and password, or providing an authentication token, below: